Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Truly Happy (what makes you?)

A week ago, a friend had a birthday party. Another friend, Alice, and I carpooled over to the ice skating rink where the party was being held. When we got there, we immediately noticed the explosion of pink in one corner of the room and we assumed that that was where everyone was.
The birthday girl, Lindsi, was surrounded by her friends and they all seemed to know each other. Alice and I are both a few years older than Lindsi and a lot older than the other girls present. At first I felt a little odd being there because I did not know anyone besides Alice and Lindsi and Lindsi was talking to her other friends as well as coming over and greeting us. I quickly found out that the majority of these girls were ice skating friends of Lindsi. They all took lessons together and I realized that I had seen some of them before in Lindsi’s pictures on facebook.
After the zamboni finished its rounds on the larger ice rink, Lindsi and all of her friends were immediately on the rink. Alice has taken ice skating lessons too and so she was extremely comfortable on the ice too. But I have only skated twice in my life and that birthday party was the second time. I stood awkwardly at the door because I couldn’t quite figure out how to get onto the ice without promptly landing on my knees. After skating around for a second, Lindsi and Alice saw me waiting and they grabbed me onto the ice. Lindsi took me around a couple times, making sure that I didn’t fall. To tell the truth, she was being SOOO patient because I was a total mess.
But what struck me later that night was how much Lindsi was enjoying herself. I have been on a different sports team with her and although she is good at that sport, it was nothing like what I saw her do on the ice. Her whole face changed and she was truly smiling the whole time. It was as though she learned how to skate before she learned to walk. All of her friends were enjoying themselves too, but not quite as much as Lindsi. Her whole confidence meter shot out of the roof and she was so relaxed. She was on fire.
Throughout my life, I have seen this change in some people, where I see them doing what they are truly passionate about and it surprises me every time. I know that sometimes it takes people a long time to figure out what they are passionate about. For me, it took a while until I realized that my passion lies in writing. I had always written poetry and short stories, but it had never occurred to me. But when you do find it out, you know it. It’s like a bolt of lightning. It’s that thing you know that you could never live without and you become a changed person because of it.
Whatever your passion may be, pursue it. If it’s a dream, go after it. Having a passion is something that changes you. So what’s your passion?

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